2025 Special Events and Demonstrations - Stay thee attuned for updates

For Young Knights, Pixies, and Buccaneers (Children)

Pixie Coronation & Story Time
with Fairy Queen Rose and Red Riding Hood

Children! Be sure to join Fairy Queen Rose at the Seelie Court at 2:30 pm both days for the Pixie Coronation!

Children's Knighting Ceremony
Barony of Bronzhelm SCA

Children! Be sure to be at the Barony of Bronzhelm Pavilion next to the Battlegrounds at 1:30pm Both Days for the Knighting Ceremony

Pirate Induction at the Sea Rover's Stage

Be Sworn in as one of Capt. Scurvy’s Sea -Rogues! Walk the Plank, take the Pirate’s Oath, receive your official eye-patch!
11 am & 2 pm


The Queen's Tea

Join Queen Abbey for a magical Queen’s Tea

Queen Abbey will provide an experience your young princesses and princes will talk about for weeks.
The tea will be held at 1:30 pm both days of the Festival.
Each day there’s only room for twelve princesses and princes 8 years old or younger
Saturday & Sunday . 1:30 pm.
Sign up now! 
Get your tickets HERE

Parents are welcome to hang out and watch, but they’ll have to bring their own snack and drink.

All tickets need to be purchased in advance. 


Costume Contest

Forsooth! Hast thou the most Medieval of Garb?
Is your Ranger- Knave – Rogue – Wench – Nobility garb second to none?
Would’st thou perchance wish to help empty the King’s coffers by competing against others of your ilk  for cash and prizes?
Then Attend Thee Hence!
The 2nd Best Character in the Realm competition will be held on the Sea Rovers Stage  Saturday afternoon at
3:00 pm.
First, Second , and Third place prizes in best Garb/Character will be awarded in 3 categories :
Best Little Urchin (childrens’), Best Adult Medieval Character, and Best Group of Scoundrels, Knaves, Pirates and/or Royal want to Be’s!

Want to participate? 
You can sign up at the Pre Sell Booth at the front gate from 1:00pm – 2:30pm or in advance HERE

History and Making of Mead

Join Mead Master Ken Schultz for a Discussion on the History and Making of Mead!

In the Arena Grandstand

Saturday and Sunday at 10:30 am and 1:30 pm.
Seating limited to 20 – $5.00 lets you sample a variety of meads and discuss any questions you might have while enjoying a brief lecture on the history of mead & meadmaking  with Meadmaster Ken Schultz!
Enjoy samples of delicious Hidden Legend Mead before heading to the mead stands and purchasing a bottle to take home!

To reserve your seat click on the time below

Saturday at 10:30am
Saturday at 1:30pm – SOLD OUT
Sunday at 10:30am
Sunday 1:30pm


SCA Rapier

SCA Armored

Battlegrounds Schedule


11:00-11:30 SCA Armored
11:30 – Noon SCA Rapier
1:00-2:00pm SCA Armored
2:00-2:30pm SCA Rapier


11:00-11:30 SCA Armored
11:30 – Noon SCA Rapier
1:00-2:00pm SCA Armored
2:00-2:30pm SCA Rapier

Games of Skill

SCA - Axe Throwing

Timeline Archery - Archery Combat and target shooting

Sunz of Odin - Challenge a Champion!


These fine artists & craftsmen will be demonstrating their skills throughout the day at their shoppes:

Tyler Russell – Iron Autumn Forge –  The Shire Smitty             

Amika Ryan-drop spindle from a distaff – the preferred Viking way to spin yarn.

Potters Guild (Next of Kiln)

Kleiner Bar Kettenhemd (Chain Maille)

Barony of Bronzehelm SCA

Art & Alchemy Glass Blowing

Her Lady’s Handspinners