
Thanks to all of you who have signed up to vend with us. All Vendor spots are now full!

Thank you for your interest in vending at the 2025 Montana Renaissance Festival.
Please check out our sister festivals : Billings Buccaneer Bash,   All Hallows Medieval Fantasy Faire, and Yule-aissance!

Food Vendors are HERE

Craft Vendors 

We Geek Together

Steins, mugs, flasks, leather armor, leather journals, leather bags, stuffed animals, puppets, hats, horns, ocarinas, steel tongue drums, music boxes, and much, much more!

Nate Mellen

Old Goat Soapary (Coyote Kidz Dairy)

Mobile booth- goat drawn cart selling goats milk soap, goat hides and small crafts made from goat hides.

Lorelei Hallock


Silent Armoury

Silent Armoury is your source for maille armor and jewelry. Todd Kintz has been making maille since 1991 and can be contacted through his site  
Todd Kintz


The Owlery Wand Shoppe

Premium Wands for Witches and Wizards
Hand carved and each one has a name and is powered by an Owl Feather.
Starting at $10

M&S Skin Care

Soaps, lotions, Skincare, beard care, bath time potions created to delight everyone from the toughest of warriors to the fairest maidens.

Miranda Stroud

Coven Supply Co

Eclectic Supplies for the Modern Witch – oddities & curiosities, witch brooms, spirit orbs, Magick catchers, witch walking sticks, Wands, Deity Prayer Beads, jewelry (oddity & crystals & fae), spell supplies, altars, wall hangings, tapestries, magikcal herbs, crowns, potion bottles.

Heather DiRocco

The SpoonTree Emporium

We sell hand Carved Spoons, Wooden Bowls, Boxes, Kitchen Wares, Pewter Mugs, Stoneware Mugs, Wooden Mugs, Silver Plate Challis and Goblets, Other Silver Wares, Copper Mugs, Wooden Games and Coconuts.

Lynn Loveland



Cloak Drummer

A Whole Lot of Everything Renaissance

beverly Flitcroft <>

The Mystic Peacock

Hand-Drawn Fantasy Maps, Magic Potions, HandMade Jewelry and Adventuring Gear.

AdaMarie Campbell

Dragon's Gate Reiki

Soy Candles, Witches Bells, Charms, Dream Pillows, and other oddities!

April Randazzo

The Howling Dragon

Stuffed Animals, Crafts, Books


Carley Shandy

Hi Fleece LLC

Euro skulls – plain, painted, or crystal
Tree of life dreamcatchers with various gemstones
Russian sage and/or lavender burn bundles (homegrown)
Hand spun sheepswool yarn

Bronwyn Stockton

Castle Comforts & Coin Keepers

Castle Coverings (handmade rugs), Fabric Coin and Gift Bags

Diana Dunn

Fair Maiden Tiaras

I hand-make flower tiaras, Robin Hood hats, and ribbon wands for the enjoyment of Renn Faire folk of all ages.

Janna Rozett

She’s everywhere!

Aurora Illustration

“Watercolor Illustrations and Stickers inspired by Mythology, Astrology, Fairytales and Magic”

Jenna Canaday

Coven Curios

Hand made raspberries, candles, perfumes, Medieval clothing upcycled from modern clothing, spell jars, Medieval inspired crafts and feast ware, and Medieval camp items. As well as tarot reader, palm reader, and rune reader.

Glenda Brauneis

Wrapped in Giggles LLC

We have a variety of cloaks, robes, ruana’s, tunics and other renaissance and Viking garb.

Denise Hanson

Fairies for Nature

Handmade Jewelry, Tiaras, Artwork, Much More!
  Katelyn Anton


Handcrafted by Hew

Handmade wire wrapped crystals,shells, and bones, handmade wire wrapped accessories ( ear cuffs, hair cuffs,etc..)

Helen Weldon

Curse LLC

Quartz Crystal Crowns, Misc. Metals Molded Crowns, Flower Type Crowns, Tarot Card Decks, Tapestries, Fairy Wings, Fairy / Elven Gloves, Rustic Hair Pins , Pouches, Ear Clips, whimsical medieval cosplay add ons.

Risty Barron

Eclectically Kept

Resin, chainmail jewelry, gemstone and stainless steel jewelry, mini wine tumblers, suncatchers, maybe a few walking sticks if my hubby gets them done in time!

Kristen Linderman

Minted Raven Creations

Here there be dragons- and little krakens! Fantasy creatures made from maille!

Darcy Tobin


KD Steampunk

Leather goods – corsets, pouches, masks

Darla Reed


Nerdy Panda

I make and sell dice bags (with pockets!), gathering aprons and other hand sewn items.

Breahna Jackman

Podge's Hodge

Renaissance Style Jewelry, Hair accessories, Ear Cuffs
Jennifer Hall

Heart Mountain Jadeworks

Jade and Agate Jewelry, Hair Accessories, Decorative Arrows, Walking sticks/staffs.

Holly Strum

Montana Bohemian Artisans

Handmade wool dreadlocks and hair jewelry.

Prudence J Lybeck

Garden Gate Teas

Loose teas, loose herbal tisanes, tea accessories, and handmade brooms!

Rebecca Nestico

Lady Rebecca's Scriptorium

Handmade Books and Journals; Handmade Writing Tools and Book-themed Jewelry

Rebecca Rowe

Blue Fairy Treasures

Seek ye quester the banner of the Blue Fairy where you shall find all that glitters and shines, and perhaps a little magic on the side.
Jewelry, pixie dust, wands, pirate treasures, wizards hats, Fancy Hand Fans, children’s toys, pantaloons, hooded shrugs and so much more!
Alicia Johnson

Shirts of Armour

Ren fest shirts and mugs

Doug McIsaac

Friars Dice

Three humble friars selling a dice buying experience through games and laughter! Find us at (not to be confused with “Liar’s Dice”, as we are both men of the cloth)

Isaac Coesens

Ladson Leather

Handmade Leather Goods

Eddie Ladson


Ark of the Dragon

Locally designed and made Leather,Glass, and Metal Fantasy Themed Crafts

Sarah Roth


Sunshine Tealy Art

I sell my handmade crochet items, mainly plushies, but also bags and other wearable items.

Sunshine McCullough




Wild Style Design Company

Facepainting and Glitter Tattoos
Kara Booras



Rainbow Catchers Boutique


Body and home accessories. Sun Catchers, keychains, body chains, necklaces & bracelets, hair accessories, beard accessories, wigs & extensions, head pieces & horns.

Ashley K Phillips


Copia Cove

Viking sheep wool and sheepskins. Handmade spindles, Viking pouches, and sheep milk soaps

Amika Ryan

Black Wolf Blades

Wide selection of medieval/fantasy swords daggers and other weapons.

Michael Collins

Copper Bend Pottery/Old Divide Pottery

Handmade Pottery, Hound treats.


Gan Aegla


Handcrafted soaps, jewelry/accessories, crocheted items, books (fantasy fiction &  junk journals)

Swirling Gypsy Henna & Arcane Essentials

We provide natural henna body art and a variety of witchy essentials including crystals, wands, fans, and jewelry.         

Megan  Agnew


Bangerts Baubles


Medieval Peg dolls, Fairy wands, Mushrooms, Crystal wreaths, Leather cuffs , Dragon eyes.

Jennifer Bangert

Froda Smida

Handcrafted, EVA foam armor, including helmets, full sets of armor, weapons, including swords, shields, axes, masks, and other all EVA foam props.

Nicol Thompson

The Alchemy Attic

Handmade; Resin dice sets, 55mm &amp;amp; 33mm Chonk dice, tea set dice sets, Leather goods, Chainmail, wood goods, Collapsible rolling trays, fantasy related stickers and pins. Metal dice sets, liquid core dice sets,, Mini dice, mini metal dice &amp;amp; watches., metal dice spinners.

Elisa Joyner

Wild Wisdom Collective

Crystals, stones, tarot and oracle decks, clothing, instruments, fur tails, animal horns, apothecary.

Jolene Caffrey

Big Horn Knives

Hand forged antler handled knives, deer antler pens, deer antler ear rings, deer antler jewelry.

Ray J Dale

Dryad Woodcrafts

Handmade puzzles, wooden art, wooden swords, pyrography.

Chuck Queeno

Burleson's Shop

3DPrinted Dragons, and other models. Hand Crafter wares including Kleenex jars, Charcuterie boards, coasters and other art Items. 3d Printed Cosplay items. Helmets and armor. 3D printed lamps, Potions, crowns, Ornaments, Hot pads, Bowl cozy, Laser crafts.

Justin Burleson

Puck & Fairy

A variety of enchanting trinkets and treasures ranging from original art and handmade chainmail to tarot cards and bits and bobs.

Jennette Rasch

Demeter's Garden Apothecary

Prepackaged artisan loose leaf tea, tea accessories, herbal remedies.

Candiss L West


Needle Felted/Fibercraft Items, Outfit Components, & Art: decorative magnets, mushrooms, fairy jar terrariums, fantasy familiars & pets, trinket bags, pins, hand painted medieval nail art, creature shawls and capes, flower crowns, stickers, prints, handmade trinkets.

Clara Kober

Candlelight Craft and Iron Autumn Forge

Blacksmithed metal artwork, and handmade candles and ceramics.
We demo all day long! Stop by and see blacksmithing and candlemaking in action!

Tyler Russell or Kristen Gale

Goblin Hoard Creatives

  Clothing, fantasy maps, hats, jewelry, and hopefully banners this year!

Franklin Richen

Tis But a Stitch

Purveyor of fiber art crafts and other naturally sourced art.

Tif David


Mountain Home Meadworks

Honey-based beverage flavoring syrups and scratch-made mocktails.

Douglas (Doug) Satterly

Prairiehand Spinners Guild (Her Ladies Handspinners)

Come by and catch demonstrations all day of  handspinning, weaving and such!

Danielle and Karen

The Nerdy Wolf

Handmade hardback leather journals, glass dip pins, feather quills, handmade leather underbusts / corsets / belts / armor, costume accessories.

Jason Hodges

The Wandering Mavens

Crystals, Candles, Crystal Bracelets, Malas

Krystal Adams

Phat Dragon

Drinking horns with leather shoulder straps & frogs, horn mugs & whiskey cups, horn goblets, resin dragons & dragon eggs, resin dragon journals, dragon masks, parasols, tiaras.

Leona Laing

The Little People of Averill

Horsehair fairies, kitchen witches, warlocks & fairies on horses & unicorns
Kim Waples

Medieval Macie's - Skadi

Medieval Ladie’s Fineries…Organic Handcrafted Lotions, Creams, Beauty Serums, Salves, Candles, Handkerchiefs, Flower Bouquets, Chocolates, Hair Braiding

Marie L Olson

Dragons & Baubles

Dragon bottles, cups, tankards. Hair baubles, leathers, jewelry, fairy wands.

Carol McGill

Museum Replica Jewelry

Irish Celtic Renaissance Fantasy and Viking Themed jewelry.


Flower crowns, wall hangings, decor, jewelry

Becky Van Horn

Misty Mountain Gaming

 Dice  in a wide array of materials (acrylic, silicone, metal, resin, hollow, liquid core, glass, and gemstone), leather backpacks, purses, duffel bags, sling bags, and dice trays. We also produce our own line of loose-leaf tea in a variety of flavors. Hand-made wooden dice vaults, deck boxes, dice roll trays, dice towers, and mimics and handmade leather journals as well as water buffalo horns/cups/mugs that are hand-engraved with Nordic/Celtic designs. We sell a selection of animal furs and skins (goat, springbok, rabbit, reindeer, shark, stingray, coyote, and more) along with fox tails.

Garden City Chai

Sugar-free Instant Chai Latte Mixes

Rebecca & Rue Orford


Hand crocheted and knit scrubbies, scarves, hoods, shawls, dish cloths, market bags. Jewelry, wooden bowels cups and mugs, original fine art.

Jaynee Metcalf


Purveyors of dance costuming and accessories.

Katie Zindler

Creation Abomination

Original book trilogy that I wrote (Supernatural Sci-Fi Thriller), along with original artwork of scenes from the books (posters, game mats and mouse pads), as well as D&D Mimic Dice boxes and Pirate Chest Boxes.


Huginn's Hoard Jewelry

We sell rennaissance inspired jewelry and body chains as well as other various small crafts.

Callie Luther

Dolls Gone Wrong

Hats, headwear, and accessories.

Darla R. Hitchcock


Weapons, Jewelry, Amour, Goblet, Figurines.

James Bart

Caravan Market

The Caravan Market specializes in renaissance, natural, and mythical inspired trinkets. Satchels/purses, kids toys and accessories, jewelry, hair adornments, period & performer eyewear, renaissance clothing as well as costume accoutrements and headwear for men and women.

Kimberly Lopez

Eagle Nest Survival & Tactical

Hand forged Damascus and high carbon blades to include swords, daggers, hatchets, axes, and knives.

Tammy Lee Helsper

Wandering Cart

Candles, wands, bags, crochet items, pilikili bugs (dolls) glass lights.

Irene Dickerson

Age Of Chivalry

Antique weapons. Hand forged swords, daggers, kitchen chef sets, eating kits, mace and hammers. shields and bucklers. Leather belts, sword frogs, axe frogs, pouches, journals and targe. Wooden tankards, swords, shields, daggers and knives.

Brady Huffer or Denise

Ye Old Crockery & Tangled Fiber

Handthrown pottery pieces, felted hats, wrist warmers, rugs & yarn

Betty Kujawa

Snodgrass, Ye Olde Hyde Shoppe

Hides and related items.





Dandelion Fluff Leather

I hand make and sell leather goods. Tooled journals, armor, helmets, and masks (ie full facial unicorn masks). Wallets, coin/dice bags, hip bags of all sizes and more.

Robbie Stephens

Maps and Skulls LLC

Synthetic animal skull jewelry and props.

Nic Resch

Avalon Cove Tattoo LLC

Tattoos,  hand made or crafted other accoutrements, home made soaps, leather craft and/ or chainmail, possible tarot reader.

Elizabeth Farmer

Handlaget Gaver

 Welcome Lords & Ladies to Handmade Gifts by Clans Cosby, Shelton & Rettinghouse! We have everything from cloaks to jewelry, wooden axes and shields to Viking runes, candles and blacked smithed goods. New this year we have face painting and fairy gardens.
Catherine Cosby

Booth 61

Sabrina's Little Witchy Things

I hand make earrings, crystal mystery bags, crystal bracelets, and a variety of surprises!

Sabrina Proctor

Hair Bobs & Baubles

Flower crowns and hair decorations

Melissa Smith

Northern Trades and Mercantile

Celtic Son leather craft. SeidrHaus drinking horns and magic.

Kimri Jonsdottir

Next of Kiln Pottery (Potter's Guild)

On one side Pottery – on the other side –  a Potter’s Guild for the Children!

Teri Kay Whitesitt


Buckets N' Stuff

Fantasy RPG shop with prop weapons, armor, and adventuring gear.

Nick Obelenus

Baubles Bones and Butterflies

Pinned Butterfly Art, Curio Jars, Crystals, Runes, Tarot Cards, Skulls, Bones, Carved Drinking Horns, Teacup Candles, Resin Ornaments, clay ornaments, children’s tunics, bookmarks.

Rachel Strever

Fallen Fae Creations

Small leather items, hand sewn items (hats, clothing), needle point, stone points, garb accessories.

Kristen Linderman

SHC - Southern Home Charms

Purses, bags, wallets, steering wheel covers, hair ties, cups.

Amanda Emmanuel

Wizards Wands and Walking Sticks

Wands, walking sticks and juggling!

Kate Bain

Collectively Crafty

Decor – All things Renaissance!

Re-Ya Rumler

The Krafting Korner

Providing an opportunity to learn a new craft/skill by setting up a Make-N-Take (craft project) for adults and kids-Ornaments, bookmarks, talismans/pendants. Also selling premade Make-N-Take items, hand made Norse/Viking/fairytale themed decor, jewelry and other items.

Krista Farnsworth

The Sagebrush Maiden

Renaissance style dresses for women

Rhetta Pederson

Celtic House

Woodworking – Boxes with a Celtic theme, Celtic pewter necklaces and earrings, tree branch vases and bowls, wood necklaces, jewelry boxes.

Richard Hoppe

Arkaya Shakti Wellness & Ayurveda

Massage and Reflexology services. Boho jewelry and macrame.

Katherin Leschak

Olde World Emporium

I sell hand forged swords, steel armor, medieval jewelry, and other medieval accessories. Everything is hand crafted or based on historical finds.

Carol Smith

Nordic Allure

Handmade Soap, Natural Deodorant, Body Butter and Lotion, Lip Balm, Beard Oil and Balm, Facial Care, and Norse/Celt themed accessories.

Gloria Nyswonger

Nature's Hair Claws

Hair forks, sticks, claws, barrettes and combs carved from hardwoods, antlers, horns and bones.

Eli Lawrie

Northern Lights Leather & Design

Leather gear, utility, apparel, and accoutrements. From earrings, to pouches, to belts, to armor. Even some kitchen goods!

Aurora Banks

Big Turtle Tracks

Handmade wooden treasure chests in various sizes and various woods. Small handmade and decorated wooden gift card boxes.

Larry & Cheryl L Boyd

TomCat's Fur And Trade

Real fur hats, fur & leather bags, animal pelts & skulls, macrame jewelry, and various oddities & curios.


Lady Sybella Dragonia of the Willows and Beyond (aka Willows Mysticals)

Oracle / Tarot / Seer Advisory and Spirit Inspired Gifts

Rose Ginsbach

WinterChild Magick Shoppe

 Build-A-Spell Bar,  One-card Tarot readings, Pendulum readings, One-card Oracle readings, Rune readings, Chakra balancing MINI-CLASSES How to Build a Magick Wand How to Dress Candles, and a plethora of other enchantments!

Melissa Englebert


Golden Printer

3d printed golden objects, goblets, rings, necklaces, minitures, etc.

Ethan Legare

Trinkets and Treasures

Handmade resin trinkets and fantasy treasures.

Celina Anthony

The Krafting Korner

Providing an opportunity to learn a new craft/skill by setting up a Make-N-Take (craft project) for adults and kids-Ornaments, bookmarks, talismans/pendants. Also selling premade Make-N-Take items, hand made Norse/Viking/fairytale themed decor, jewelry and other items.

Krista Farnsworth

Evermore Hobbies

Wooden Viking Chess Boards, fairy wands, crowns, necklaces/earrings, different size bags, stickers, metal signs, fairy & dragon statues.

Heather McTee

QueenHouse Creations

Whimsical Plant Creations & Handmade Home Decor – Roving Cart -She’s Everywhere!

Tamara Nunley

Thistle Cottage

Fairy cottages, market bags, fingerless mitts, hooded cowls, hats, silk velvet pouches, hand blown glass potion bottles and pendants.

Jane Anderson

Black Anvil Homestead (previously Rhein Forged)

Handcrafted Soap: lard based with no synthetic fragrances or dyes; Blacksmith Work: letter openers, medieval shields, home decor, sculptures.

Adam Rhein

Mountainside Botanicals


Ryan Restvedt

Hacksilver Metalworks

Repo Jewelry Demonstration. Limited sales – very few, one of a kind, artisan jewelry pieces.

Joe Strandberg

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon